The List to end ALL lists (updated whenever i feel like it)
*I have a tendency to forget about things. Like,...BLOGGING. Damn!
*The Big Bang Theory on CBS hits a little close to home for me.
*When/If YOU get married. Remember, it's YOUR wedding.
*The worst time of day to be outside in L.A. is late afternoon. That's when the largest amount of smog is in the air.
*2 things to remember when going to the beach. 1)put sunscreen on top of your feet. 2)You're going to be finding sand in random places for months afterward.
*Joel McHale IS a celebrity.
*i have a very addictive personality, in that i'm easily addicted to things, like blogging, and writing lists that seem to have no connecting thread, except that every thought in them came from my head. BLAM!
*The hipocrisy of being a music critic and writing my own music is not lost on me. i just don't care.
*There is no Tex-Mex cuisine in Los Angeles. I miss Austin.
*A hipster is someone who knows too much about a band that no one knows about. He can be heard saying, "You should've seen them play before they got big."
*Skinny jeans should be worn by women ONLY.
*If you have a male friend that straightens his hair, punch him in the face. he will thank you later.
*Just because YOU don't like it doesn't make it bad. unless you don't like Gallagher, in which case we should hang out. NOT that Gallagher is bad, know.
*Rock and roll is NOT glamorous. All your textbooks lied to you.
*i thought Crash was a good movie. i thought Cloverfield was crap.
*for the love of God, why is wikipedia so awful? i learn more crap in a day reading through random stuff on there, than i did in 5 years of college. well that's an exaggeration, but you get the idea.
*Just because it is organic does not make it better for you. If they made organic cyanide, would you eat that too?
*i am not a violent man, but if i had a gun, and the chance, i would shoot Papa Smurf. How come he's the ONLY one that get's to wear red? Freakin Commie.
*Meat is great for others, not for me.
*Forgetting people's names is one of the FEW things i'm good at. Don't take that away from me.
*I confess to not knowing who Joy Divsion was before college (i still don't own any of their albums).
*I watch American Idol, *sigh*.
*Lone Star is great beer, because it gets the job done at a cheap price. Shiner is better.
*Smallville was cool before i realized how bad an actor Tom Welling is. 7 seasons later, the douche still can't fly.
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