So my oldest brother (i have 3) is getting married this Saturday in Corsicana, Texas. It's going to be hot, humid, and a blast! This will be the first wedding i've attended since i got married to Jillian about a year and a half ago. It will be great to go to a wedding and just relax.
What's also exciting, is that my sister is going to be in town for the wedding. This will be the first time in over 10 years that all of the Morrow siblings will be together, and copious amounts of alcohol will be involved. The craziness will either remind us why we never get together, or make us wish that we got together more often, and i'm pretty sure it will be the latter. My family is not known for reunions and gatherings, but when i do hang out with them, it's never less than a fantastic, and disturbing trip down memory lane. can't wait to see you guys.
The other plus side of going back to texas? QUESO?!! and more specifically, TRUDY'S in Austin!!
We're going to visit our new nephew (not pictured above-i don't know who that kid is, but it may as well be me divin in), Kalen and while we'll have a great time with the little tyke, it will serve as a reminder why we are waiting a few more years before we start trying to have one of our own.
A little band update now: Bikini is in the process of trying to find a way to finance the final 5-6 songs we need to record to put out our own LP. Any ideas would be fantastic. Cris (lead guitarist) thought it would be a good idea to have a Bikini Science "Bikini Carwash" with our various lady friends lending their efforts to support us. With the money that is made, we're going to go into an actual studio and fork over the money to have the mix sound a little more like us, and hopefully not as "clean" and produced sounding.
Mustard had a great practice last night and we will probably be doing a show this summer some time and finalizing our first recordings for your listening pleasure. For those of you that haven't seen a Mustard show, you're in for a treat. The music is pretty much on the opposite emotional spectrum from Bikini. It's light, happy, and groove-tastic. And plus, i don't play any instruments, so you get to see me in all my Jagger-Tyler-Stipes-Morrison glory. Not that i sound or could even begin to compare to those guys, but you get the idea.
The last week has been pretty crazy. Between BBQ's, band shows, other band's shows, practice, and work, i've had almost no time to do anything. I'm hoping this trip back home will be relaxing, rejuvenating, and reaffirming my reasons for being in L.A. (everyone needs that from time to time). See you folks next week.
Band of the Week
Radars to the Sky
I caught the final night of their April Residency at The Echo and also got to see The Western States Motel who feature the bass stylings of none other than Yosuke Kitazawa. You can check out a review of the show and some pictures at Mouse's Blog