Now that i've been back in L.A. for a few days i finally have the time to do this. I spent the last week cavorting around Texas with my family. We went to a bachelor party in Dallas, the wedding in Corsicana, and saw the new nephew in Austin. In retrospect, this was not a vacation as much as it was a "See the Family" tour. Needless to say (though i will say it), we're exhausted. The events were as follows:
We flew out of Burbank on Thursday, and you will never guess who was on our flight- none other than, The Highlander's Adrian Paul...

so i called Trevor, and he giggled.
We landed at DFW, the only airport i hate more than LAX and Jillian's dad picked us up. they dropped me off at my brother Nathan's place. After that, the bachelor party was on!
First, we went to SpeedZone (as we had done two years before for my bachelor party), and then to a midnight showing of Iron Man (kickass, and you should go see it) and then to my brother Alex's house where we drank into the wee hours of the mornin. I think i actually fell asleep around 7am. It was great to hang out with the Morrow siblings. All of us had not been together at the same time for at least 10 years.
The next day (Friday) we traveled to Corsicana for the Rehearsal dinner. The dinner was held at a strange building that felt kind of like a funeral home, and i'm still not sure what the purpose of the building is, but the food that was served was fantastic.

We hung out and got to know the in-laws then drank for pretty much the rest of the night.
The day of the wedding (Saturday) Jillian drove down from Rockwall to meet us and the entire family was together at last. This included the sister i did not know i had until i was 16, and my twin nephews Blake and Christopher, who are now 13, Yikes!

We got to the wedding with enough time to have about one drink and then the ceremony began. After all the groomsmen were standing waiting for the bridesmaids to walk down the aisle,

we heard a large cracking sound. One of the 50ft tall trees in the backyard decided to collapse onto the house.

Good omen or bad? I prefer to think of it as a good one.
After everyone calmed down from that, the bride walked down the aisle

and the ceremony continued. Get this, it was shorter than mine and Jillian's, so i think they broke the record. It couldn't have lasted more than 5 minutes. I was amazed.

Next we all took family portraits, drank champagne, there was a toast in there somewhere, then dancing, more drinking, more dancing, and then bed.

The following morning (Sunday) Jillian and i drove down to Austin to see our new nephew, Kalen. As you can clearly see, he is quite the adorable child.

While we were in Austin we caught up with some old friends, went to Trudy's, Freebirds, Pei Wei, and the Dog and Duck (Ryan is still working there, and seriously, wouldn't you be?).

The very next day (Monday), we headed back to Dallas around 5p, slept at Jillian's Folks house, and flew back the next morning (Tuesday). *whew.
Now that we're back, i obviously feel that i didn't get to see everyone that i wanted to for long enough. as usual, my family just doesn't get together often enough for me. but i have to say, since this was the first wedding we've been to since Jillian and I were married, any wedding after this is gonna have some big shoes to fill.